Friday, July 24, 2009

The Believers

With the idea of all religions being equal, the next step is to decide if one were to even need to follow a religion. What is the purpose, other than to guide one through life in a fake robotic matter. Although christianity along with other ways of belief very well do have sensible answers to the questions that were asking they only blind the eye to the real world. They give society a fall back to the personal issues they face. Through personal experiences I have found that religion is easier to follow when you are at a low, or at a time of struggle, I wont lie and say christianity cant be conforting, becuase it can and will be. But when society simply depends on a higher power to resolve there problems, and to blind them with excuses, it demotes us all. We become a lower class of humanity, we let fairy tales baby us and give us the idea that we dont have control over the final output of our lives, and if that is so, why are we here, so much as a thought that predestination is in fact true is mind blowing, if we live in a world of predestination, then we are all just wired robots walking the earth until our batteries die. But in fact we do have control over our decisions, and for some reason we have lost grip of that important knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. I always had a problem with predestination, as it seems to defeat the entire point of existence. With this mindset, we are all reduced to the robots that you speak about above. We have no free will and are essentially running on rails for our entire lives. Perhaps the abandonment of personal choice is comforting for those who would rather not deal with life, but I personally find this philosophy insulting. It asks us to believe in a Matrix-esque fantasy world where nothing is as it seems. The decisions you think you are making are just part of an elaborate script written before time began. If that's the case, why didn't god write us all a part that leads to eventual salvation? Why did he select an embarrassingly small percentage of humans to play the 'good guys' in this human drama? There can be many reasons, but it certainly isn't because he loves us, at least not most of us.

    If you believe that only a small number of people are the true Christians (the ecclesia, as some call it), then the rest of us were created for no other reason than to live, fail, and then suffer for all eternity. What kind of god would create such cursed beings? If all but the chosen were created to be fundamentally broken, why add insult to injury by exacting horrible punishments on us even after death? How does our perpetual suffering serve the greater good and why couldn't god show the tiniest bit of mercy and make our death an eternal slumber?

    Be careful when dealing with people who hold to this form of Christianity (Calvinism). When people get used to thinking of themselves as special and elect, they seem to find it easier to treat us sinners with contempt and hatred. There is no reason to show us god's love because we are either chosen or not, they can't affect it either way. This lets them indulge in very un-christlike behavior under the delusion that we are somehow beneath them. For an example of Calvinism taken to its logical end, you only have to look at the infamous Westboro Baptist Church (yes, that's
