Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Believers

What is the truth of believing, is it simply a long drawn out process of half truths that can give comfort to the one who is looking for answers? Throughout history religions upon religions have been created to give somewhat of a reason, or purpose to the existance of humanity. The truth is, that society as a whole has fallen into the trance of sticking to a belief and accepting it as the one and only way. What we have forgotten is that there is more than one way, more than one " answer" to the questions we face. But does religion truly give us the confort were looking for? Or does it simply just paint over the reality of the world? Its up to the common follower to step outside his or her comfort zone, and put themselves in the shoes of a follower of a different religion, when one can do this he or she will see that you can expierience the the same comforting feeling and have "faith" through a different religion. My main statement is simply if a religion requires faith to make it a whole, it is as real as the next, puting every religion or so called answer on the same playing field.

1 comment:

  1. Very well put, Adam. I think you can even lump Atheists in that same category. None of us has THE answer, we just do our best to work with the information at hand. It is incredibly refreshing to hear such an even handed approach to belief. At some point in our growth as a species, we started to attach all sorts of rules and rituals to our simple yearning for the big answers of life. We kept piling on more and more complexity until we were buried under dogma and superstition. You are absolutely correct that, if faith is the basis for your belief, you have to admit that there are other people with just as much faith in other gods. Who is to say that one particular faith is any better than the other? I guess only god would know and he didn't see fit to make the answer easy to figure out (makes you kind of question the big plan).

    The best you can do is stay open and approach everything with a skeptical mind. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and make sure you fully understand a particular belief structure before embracing it.

    Glad to see you writing, by the way. Keep it up!
